Across this website, you'll find pages you can share through external social media accounts, such as your Facebook, Twitter or WhatsApp accounts. Not every page is currently shareable, but on those that are, you'll find easy-to-use social sharing buttons.


<91ÈÕº«AV>How to share from our site

Sharing is as simple as clicking your chosen social network's icon. A pop-up for the external site will appear - giving you the option to sign-in, if you haven't already - after which you can share the link.

We use these simple sharing icons because we're committed to making the content we produce easy to share. We won't ask you for personal details when you share something from, we receive no financial or other benefits when you share a page, and sharing is open to all our visitors.


<91ÈÕº«AV>Sharing on an external site

When you share something from on an external site, such as Facebook or Twitter, you'll be subject to the terms of use and privacy policy of that website. We recommend you familiarise yourself with those terms and conditions, as the University does not accept liability for your use of such sites, or for your failure to adhere to their terms and conditions.

Sharing something may also result in a cookie being set in your browser by the social network to which you're posting.


<91ÈÕº«AV>Social networks you can share to from our site

We currently provide prominent social sharing buttons to Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, LinkedIn, Email, Tumblr, and Pinterest. These social networks were chosen because of their popularity among visitors to and their total number of users worldwide. We routinely check that the social networks to which we offer easy sharing reflect the needs of our website visitors.

Please note: while all these sites are free-to-use at the point of access, you will need to register an account with them before you're able to share any links from