Alaa Ali Ghareeb Mohasseb Portrait
<91ÈÕº«AV class="hero-details__heading hero-details__heading--main" > Dr Alaa Mohasseb

I am a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at the School of Computing,  the Course Leader for the MSc in Artificial Intelligence/Machine learning and a member of the Artificial Intelligence and Data Science research group. I received my PhD in computing from the 91ÈÕº«AV in 2018. I am the Module Leader for the Applied Machine Learning & Data Mining of BSc (Hons) in Data Science and Analytics.

In addition, I am the Faculty of Technology and the School of Computing Early Career Researcher Representative and Athena Swan Team co-leader.


<91ÈÕº«AV>Research interests

My research is in the field of Text Mining, Natural Language Processing, and Machine Learning. I have collaborated with researchers in several other disciplines and participated in multiple academic and industrial projects. I am a member of several program committees for international conferences and workshops. I was a keynote speaker at the Women in Data Science (WiDS 2018) Conference UK, and a panellist for Women in Science and Technology: Experiences which took place at the INTAP’20 conference, in Norway. I have won several awards including the bronze prize in the annual international competition on best Research & Innovation projects in Cyber Security, run by the Korean Industrial Technology Security Hub.

Available PhD (Self-Funded) Projects:


<91ÈÕº«AV id="research-outputs" class="research-outputs__title research-outputs__title--main" > Research outputs


Aziz, B., Chase, L. E., Mohasseb, A.

18 Apr 2024, In: SN Computer Science


Aziz, B., Mohasseb, A.

15 Nov 2023, In: SN Computer Science. 5, 9p., 7

Kanavos, A., Karamitsos, I., Mohasseb, A.

19 Jun 2023, In: Computers. 12, 6, 22p., 124