Eszter Somogyi Portrait
<91ÈÕº«AV class="hero-details__heading hero-details__heading--main" > Dr Eszter Somogyi

Associate Head (Global Engagement and Education Partnerships)

PhD Supervisor

View my research outputs

I studied Health Psychology at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary. I completed my PhD at the Paris Descartes University in 2007, exploring the sociocognitive development of children with autism spectrum disorders. I then worked as an assistant professor at the Eötvös Loránd University. In 2012, I obtained the ‘Research in Paris’ award which allowed me to join the Psychology of Perception Laboratory at the Paris Descartes University, where I worked on the development of tool use in infants, the early emergence of lateralization and more recently, the development of infants' awareness of their bodies. During this time, I was also employed as part-time lecturer at Paris West–Nanterre University. I joined the Department of Psychology here at Portsmouth in September 2017. 

<91ÈÕº«AV>Research interests

My current research interests are focused on the following three main areas:

- the development of social learning in infants and toddlers: attributing intentions to human and non-human/robotic agents; contextual/emotional factors influencing social learning,

- the development of body knowledge: how tactile training/massage may influence infants’ knowledge about their own bodies; how motor skills training (postural/tactile training) may influence cognitive abilities,

- prosocial development in pre-schoolers; factors that influence or facilitate helping behaviours (effect of cognitive trainings such as mindfulness, effect of partner's group membership); how cooperation can be promoted in classrooms.

<91ÈÕº«AV>Teaching responsibilities

I teach on a variety of undergraduate modules on the Bsc Psychology and BSc Forensic Psychology courses and coordinate the seminars for our Exploring Psychology module. I also contribute to modules on the Masters programme in Health Psychology and coordinate the Theories and Intervention Approches module. Finally, as Associate Head for Global Engagement and Education Partnerships, I take part in the recruitment, induction and tutoring of the international students on our undergraduate and masters courses. I also support the management of our courses in counselling at Eastleigh College, our partner higher education provider.


<91ÈÕº«AV id="research-outputs" class="research-outputs__title research-outputs__title--main" > Research outputs


Crompton, K., Fasulo, A., Kaklamanou, D., Somogyi, E.

11 Apr 2024, In: Mindfulness


Itakura, S., Király, I., Okanda, M., Somogyi, E.

1 Jul 2023, In: Cognitive Development. 67, 13p., 101357

Davila Ross, M., Gibson, V., Lopez, B., Mulenga, I. C., Nomikou, I., Somogyi, E., Taylor, D.

20 Jun 2023, In: Scientific Reports. 13, 10p., 9969

Barber, O. B., McBride, E. A., Proops, L., Somogyi, E.

1 May 2023, In: Computers in Human Behavior. 142, 11p., 107660

Chinn, L. K., Fagard, J., Hamilton, M., Heed, T., Hoffmann, M., Jacquey, L., Lockman, J. J., O'Regan, J. K., Somogyi, E.

1 May 2023, In: Child Development. 94, 3, p. e154-e165, 12p.

Adibpour, P., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Dubois, J., Fagard, J., Garric, C., Potdevin, D., Rämä, P., Somogyi, E.

27 Apr 2023, In: Symmetry. 15, 5, 18p., 989