
Jac Reed is a Senior Lecturer in Criminology and Forensic Studies. Prior to academia, Jac was a Former Forensic Scene Investigator with West Midlands Police and has considerable experience in the application of forensic investigation. Whilst Jac teaches across courses on the core curriculum, she specialises in Wildlife Crime and IWT forensics, Crime Science, and Environmental Justice. Jac’s doctorate focuses on the interface between Higher Education and the role of social sciences to conservation education and training.


Jac has delivered training in-country to wildlife crime rangers in Benin, Africa, with ZSL and is currently delivering courses on the Wildlife Crime Leadership Initiative, a training programme that builds leadership abilities among enforcement officers to better counter wildlife trafficking, led by the Wildlife Conservation Society. Additionally, Jac is a Hydra designer and facilitator and works closely with the  developing and delivering immersive learning education and training for students at the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice and criminal justice practitioners.


In 2017 Jac, alongside Dr Nick Pamment and Professor Paul Smith, she developed a novel recovery method for IWT and has authored an information document for CITES on gelatine technology for wider national and international law enforcement. Jac Reed is a member of the Victimology and Ecological Justice Research Group, bringing together researchers within the areas of wildlife crime, conservation, and climate change. Jac Reed has published in the area of wildlife crime forensics and social-technical approaches to conservation and has presented her research at a number of conferences, including the INTERPOL: 29th Symposium on National and International Wildlife Crime Law Enforcement in London. Most recently she was an invited speaker at the International e-Conference on Wildlife Forensics, hosted by the Government of India Wildlife Bureau.


Jac's research Interests and practice specialisms focus on:

  • Conservation and Education
  • Wildlife Crime Forensics
  • Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT)
  • Environmental Justice
  • Immersive learning methodologies for Criminal Justice

Teaching Responsibilities

  • Green Criminology: Environmental Crimes and Harms (M32538) Level 4
  • Wildlife Crime: Threats and Responses (M30811) Level 5
  • Global Environmental Justice (M32206) Level 5
  • Fundamentals of Forensic Investigation (M24204) DL Level 5
  • Crime Science (M26251) Level 7