Sarthak Mondal Portrait
Media ready expert
<91ÈÕº«AV class="hero-details__heading hero-details__heading--main" > Mr Sarthak Mondal

I am the course leader of BSc (Hons) Sport Management (Top-Up) and BSc (Hons) Sport Coaching (Top-Up) degrees in the 91ÈÕº«AV. In addition to these, I am a Lecturer in Sport Management.

My research focuses on two key aspects of sport economics: competitive balance and holistic performance measurement of teams, while my PhD is focused on development of a quantitative model to measure governance of professional sport clubs.


I have graduated in BSc (Hons) Sport Business Management with a first class degree from Sheffield Hallam University in 2020. Currently, I am pursuing my doctoral studies exploring governance in professional football clubs in Asia, with the aim of developing a quantifiable model of sport governance from Sheffield Hallam University.

I was appointed as a Lecturer in Sport Management in November 2022 and was given responsibilities for leading the top-up courses in Sport Management and Sport Coaching in April 2023.

In addition to these, I am also an Associate Fellow of Advance HE and currently working towards a attaining a Fellowship status.

Outside of the university, I enjoy travelling, playing cricket and indulging in playing Football Manager.

<91ÈÕº«AV>Research interests

Sport Economics, Sport Governance, Sport Finance, Sport Development

<91ÈÕº«AV>Teaching responsibilities


Level 4: An Introduction to Sport Data Analytics

Level 5: Sport Economics


Level 4: Introduction to Sport, Business and Management, Theories of Sport, Business and Management (2 workshops)

Level 6: Strategic Management in Sport, Sports Entrepreneurship and Business Venturing (1 workshop)

Level 7: Economics and Finance for Sport Managers

Academic Adviser

In addition to these teaching responsibilities, I am also the academic adviser of over 15 students and my role is to help them navigate the challenges they face over the course of their degree studies.

<91ÈÕº«AV>Media availability

Available to speak to any form of media on queries related to sport economics, sport finance, governance in sport and sport forecasting using AI.

<91ÈÕº«AV id="research-outputs" class="research-outputs__title research-outputs__title--main" > Research outputs


Mondal, S.

17 Jul 2024, In: The Conversation

Mondal, S., Plumley, D., Wilson, R.

15 May 2024, In: Journal of Applied Accounting Research


Mondal, S.

4 Jul 2023, In: The Conversation

Mondal, S.

31 May 2023, In: The Conversation

Millar, R., Mondal, S., Plumley, D., Ramchandani, G., Wilson, R.

28 Mar 2023, In: Soccer & Society, 13p.

Mondal, S., Philippou, C.

4 Jan 2023, In: The Conversation