Road leading away from viewer in Monument Valley
<91ÈÕº«AV class="heading heading--main heading--campaign heading--with-bg hide-on-mobile" > Physical and human geography research

Explore the research we're doing across our areas of expertise in Physical and Human Geography

Environmentally and socially, the world is in a state of great uncertainty. Through our research in Physical and Human Geography, we're exploring the causes and effects of social and environmental crises – from worsening inequality and political disharmony, to pollution and climate change – and searching for new ways to tackle them.

Our research on the topic of development, wellbeing and justice is looking at the myriad reasons that lead to inequalities in the health, wellbeing, prosperity and social development of different communities.

From the physical geography and social demographics of an area, to the quality of public services and how well it's governed and represented politically, we're studying how inequality impacts people and their lives, and seeking new ways to overcome it.

With climate change representing an ever-greater and more-pressing danger to the future of the planet, we're also examining how the environment is changing around the world.

Through our environmental change research, we're looking at how the planet's climate has changed over time, and how human activities – and a growing population – is changing our environment today.

We're exploring everything from melting glaciers and heat waves, to forest fires and landslides, and searching for new methods to protect our biodiversity and mitigate the effects of climate change, and new ways to build better, more sustainable environments for humans.

<91ÈÕº«AV>Interested in a PhD in Physical and Human Geography?

Explore our Physical and Human Geography postgraduate research degrees – including PhDs and MPhils.

Explore our Physical and Human Geography research areas

Find out more about the facilities and research methods that shape our Physical and Human Geography research – and learn more about our recent projects, the academic and industrial partners with whom we collaborate, and the major funders who fund our work.

Development wellbeing and justice

Aerial shot of portsmouth
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<91ÈÕº«AV class="grid__heading grid__heading--main" > Research groups

Climate Change and the Environment

We explore the impact of climate change on the environment and snow, ice, and glaciers across the world

Landscape in Sicily
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Peace, Conflict and Security Research Group

We're researching the complex reality of the struggles over the meaning of security, citizenship and rights.

A lone soldier with a gun stands in a desolate landscape
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