Student hanging out in Eldon cafe with a friend.
<91ÈÕº«AV class="heading heading--main heading--campaign heading--with-bg hide-on-mobile" > Deadlines for International Students

Important deadlines for all International Applicants

<91ÈÕº«AV>Important Deadlines

There are key dates and deadlines you should note for courses starting in September 2024. These may be different depending on which country you are coming from.

Some courses may have different start and induction dates. Please check your registration email for this information.

Deadline for September 2024 Applications

Deadline for new applications:

26 July 2024 for applications from Bangladesh, Cameroon, Ghana, India, Iran, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan.

23 August 2024 for applicants from the Rest of the World.

Deadline for deposits:

12 August 2024 for applications from Bangladesh, Cameroon, Ghana, India, Iran, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan.

26 August 2024 for applicants from the Rest of the World.

Deadline to meet all conditions (including deposit payment):

19 August 2024 for applicants from Bangladesh, Cameroon, Ghana, India, Iran, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan.

2 September 2024 for Rest of the World.

Deadlines for January 2025 Applicants

Deadline to meet all conditions (including deposit payment):

16 December 2024 for applicants from Bangladesh, Cameroon, Ghana, India, Iran, Nepal, Nigeria and Pakistan.

23 December 2024 for Rest of the World.

We recommend paying the deposit and meeting conditions as soon as you receive the offer to avoid potential delays with CAS and Visa processes. Please see ways to pay, and ensure there is plenty of time for your deposit payment to clear. 

Please note, courses may close before the deadlines listed above if they become full - this is another reason why you should aim to meet your conditions as soon as you can.

If you have any questions about these deadlines, please get in touch.