The Autism Centre for Research on Employment (ACRE) offers a comprehensive assessment for people in the Autism Spectrum who are in employment or actively seeking employment.

Our Individual Employment Profile (IEP) reports provide comprehensive information on the person's cognitive and employability profiles. The reports also provide tailored-made recommendations of individual adjustments needed in the workplace.

<91ÈÕº«AV>The benefits of using our facilities
  • Our assessment tools are tailored to the NICE recommendations (2014) regarding employment programmes for people in the spectrum.
  • Our tools have shown to significantly enhance employment programmes by reducing the hours of support needed in the workplace and reducing the costs associated to providing this support without compromising the quality outcomes of the programmes.
  • For those seeking employment, profiling of career preferences and employability skills can be used to enhance the process of job-person matching, as well as to identify career training needs.

Contact us

To find out more, please contact us. Enquiries will be received at