If you accept an offer to study a PGCE with us, you'll need to complete several forms before we confirm your enrolment. We'll send you the relevant forms in your offer email. The following information explains what each of these forms are and why we ask for them.

<91ÈÕº«AV>Trainee agreement form

Our PGCE is a course of professional training. The Trainee Agreement Form helps you understand the expectations and demands of the course and helps us resolve any challenges.

<91ÈÕº«AV>Fitness to teach

Teachers have a duty of care towards the pupils in their change. We're required to assess your physical and mental fitness to meet the demands of the career, so you have to complete a 'Fitness to teach' form. These fitness standards are summarised in the .

<91ÈÕº«AV>Occupational Health questionnaire

All candidates offered a firm or conditional place on a course of Initial Teacher Training must complete an Occupational Health questionnaire before final acceptance.

This information will be assessed by the Occupational Health Nursing staff who may contact you by phone for further information if necessary. Occasionally an appointment may need to be made with either one of the Occupational Health Nurses or the Occupational Health Physician.

Please be aware that you may be deemed unfit to continue your training if you are found to have:

  • Failed to disclose information which would otherwise have made you ineligible
  • Given false information, including appropriate information about medical problems which arise during training
  • Failed to comply with recommendations by occupational health, such as regular monitoring or check-ups during the course

If the questionnaire identifies that you need occupational health support during your studies, we can give you support for your physical, mental and social wellbeing. You can contact us with any concerns you have about your health in relation to your training at any time and we can arrange a referral on your behalf to the Occupational Health Service.

<91ÈÕº«AV>Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check

All individuals working in a school environment are legally required to take a DBS check. We will request a DBS check as part of our conditions of enrolment. DBS forms will be sent to you close to the start of the course.

<91ÈÕº«AV>Contact us

If you have any questions on preparation and process, please contact the Admissions Team in the University Admissions Centre:

Email: teachertraining@port.ac.uk