Male staff member facing two female staff members in meeting
<91ÈÕº«AV class="heading heading--main heading--campaign heading--with-bg" > Academic Committees

The Academic Council oversees 11 committees focusing on everything from courses and the curriculum to the student experience.

Academic Council

The Academic Council is our academic decision-making body and is responsible for all academic matters. Reporting directly to the Board of Governors, it considers a broad range of issues that relate to our academic direction and focus.

University Education and Student Experience Committee

The University Education and Student Experience Committee makes recommendations to the Academic Council on course development, new course approvals, enhancement of student experience, student support and employability.

It also oversees the development and delivery of our education strategy, and advises the University Executive Board on potential resource issues.

University Research and Innovation Committee

The University Research and Innovation Committee advises the Pro Vice-Chancellor and Academic Council on developing the University's strategy, targets and performance indicators for research and innovation. The committee examines external environment trends and creates a culture that supports impactful research throughout the University.

University Global Engagement Committee

The University Global Engagement Committee advises the Academic Council on matters relating to global engagement. It examines international and European higher education policy and encourages global engagement across all faculties, departments and professional services.

Quality Assurance Committee

The Quality Assurance Committee works with the Education and Student Experience Committee on all matters relating to quality assurance. The committee's main focus is to ensure the University maintains high academic standards. It carries out quality audit reviews of academic and professional services in relation to the student learning experience, whilst considering reports from the OfS, UKRI, QAA and professional accrediting bodies.

Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions Committee

The Marketing, Recruitment and Admissions Committee answers to the Education and Student Experience Committee. It is responsible for providing leadership to relevant professional services and ensuring that the University complies with legislation.

Student Experience Committee

The Student Experience Committee collaborates with the Education and Student Experience Committee with a focus on student experience. It develops and delivers the student experience operation plan by using the results from the NSS, as well as internal tools such as the unit satisfaction questionnaire and the University's student experience questionnaire, to enhance student support.

University Ethics Committee

The University's Ethics Committee considers general ethical issues relating to research and activities of the University. Whilst reviewing and revising the ethics policy annually, which is approved by the University Research and Innovation Committee, the Ethics committee will liaise with Faculty Ethics committees to consider ethical issues relating to learning, teaching, research and innovation activities.

REF Steering Committee

The Research Excellence Framework Committee briefed the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Innovation) and the University Research and Innovation Committee on everything to do with the REF submission in 2021.

University Research Degrees Committee

The University Research Degree Committee agrees policy and strategy for research degrees programmes and for professional doctorates, making recommendations to the University Research and Innovation Committee. It also works closely with the Student Experience Committee to review the quality of the student experience from registration to graduation. This includes student progression and achievement, student recruitment, admission and completion rates.

University Global Operations Committee

The University Global Operations Committee delivers the University's Global Engagement Strategy. This is done by monitoring and making recommendations on Global Collaborations and Trans-National Education (TNE) Partnerships, international marketing and general overseas operations. It is also responsible for monitoring European and International exchanges, international work placements, international study and research, and Tier 4 compliance.