Our reputation for excellence in teaching and research â€“ and our many our awards and rankings successes – are thanks in part to our Quality Assurance, Academic Standards and Partnerships Team.

<91ÈÕº«AV>The team is responsible for:
  • Making sure we properly assess, measure and audit the quality of the work we do
  • Developing and maintaining our quality management policies
  • Acting as a central contact for external bodies measuring the quality of our work
  • Offering expert advice to our staff and partners on improving standards
<91ÈÕº«AV>Areas the team covers include:
  • Academic committees
  • Annual course monitoring and periodic review
  • Articulation Arrangements and Memoranda activity
  • Examination and Assessment Regulations
  • Internal and external audits and reviews
  • Collaborative partnership arrangements
  • Course approval, modifications and closures
  • External examining
  • Student appeals
  • Course and academic year exemptions
  • Degree apprenticeships quality management
  • Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies